About Us and Privacy Policy Page

Builders who are using instant shop can now create About us and privacy policy page for their brands along with the catalog page. This will help our builders to set up website pages without any coding involved, all they have to do is select pictures and write content for the About us and privacy policy page.

Step by step guide to create About Us and Privacy Policy page

Follow these steps to set up the About us and privacy policy page.

Step 1

Sign in to bSecure Builders Portal.

Step 2

Go to Manage Stores from the side navigation bar.


Step 3

If you have multiple stores, please select one for which you want to create About us and privacy policy page. Now click “Shop Settings”


Step 4

Now you have to enable the “About us and privacy page” toggle from Additional settings.


Step 5

Now you have to first view the sample template for About us and privacy policy page.


Step 6

Now just fill in all the content according to the sample template.

  1. Brand Logo
  2. Hero Image
  3. One liner that will be displayed on the hero image.
  4. About us Image that would be displayed in front of About us text.
  5. About us text
  6. Phone Number
  7. Email
  8. Content for the Privacy policy if you want to use your own privacy policy rather than using bSecure privacy policy

Note: you can write your own privacy policy or you can use bSecure privacy policy on your website page as well.

Step 7

Now go to the “Manage Products” and click on the “Publish Catalog” button.


Now you are all good to go and you can view your About us and privacy page by clicking the “About us” button on top of the Instant shop page.

How can we change the button and background color of the About us page?

The color of buttons and background will be the same that is used in store branding, so if you want to change color of the theme and buttons then you can do it from the store branding page.

Go to Manage Stores from the side navigation bar and click on “Store branding”.
