Video Guide
How to Integrate APG with bSecure?
What is APG Integration?
APG stands for Alfa Payment Gateway. Through this integration, a Builder can start accepting prepayments on their websites.
What are the charges for this Integration?
Bank Alfalah charges its merchants on a per transaction basis.
If you have a corporate bank account in Bank Alfalah, the MDR (merchant discount rate) charged will be 2.25%
If your corporate bank account is not in Bank Alfafah, the MDR charged will be 3%
How can I integrate APG?
Step 1: Open an Alfa Corporate Account or Instant Merchant Account and get yourself verified.
Step 2: Test Sandbox Environment
Step 3: Generate Live Credentials - Very Critical Step
Step 4: Enter Live Credentials in bSecure Partner Portal
Step 5: Start Accepting Prepayments
Step 1: Open an Alfa Corporate Account or Instant Merchant Account
- Go to the Alfa Signup page.

- Enter your email address. This will be used as your registered email address and all inquiries and OTPs etc will be shared on this email.
- Enter a Username of your choice. You can also select to use your email address as your user name by clicking the checkbox
- Enter your mobile number. This number will be registered with the bank and used for all correspondence and OTPs.
- Lastly, set a password.
- After Reading the Terms and Privacy Policy, please click on the "I agree to the Terms of use and Privacy Policy" checkbox.
- Click Signup

Next, you will be asked to select your Business Type and Account category. Business Type is partnerships, sole proprietorship, public limited company, private limited company. Select whichever applies. Account categories are Instant Account or Merchant Account. To read more about the Alfa account click here

Next, you will be sent an OTP on your registered email address and phone numbers. Enter the OTPs below and verify yourself

You’ve made it to the Alfa Portal. Congratulations!

Once you have arrived at the portal you will be requested to complete these steps to verify an account.
Moving forward keep the following items handy.
1. NIC front and back pictures 2. Your passport size picture
Fill in your business details in this section. It is important that you fill in all the details.

Next Fill in all the details pertaining to yourself or the primary account holder.

Next, upload your legal documents which include clear scanned images of the front and back of your NIC or NICOP and your passport size photograph

After submitting the above details, Read the Terms and Conditions and click Accept to proceed with your account creation.

Your account will be sent for verification. You will receive an email confirmation also.
You can log in to check if your account is approved by the Bank.
Verification usually takes 48-72 hours.

Once your account is approved, we can move ahead
Step 2: Sandbox Mode testing
- Go to the Bank AlFalah Portal and Login.
- Once verified you'll arrive at the below screen. Click on the Access Sandbox button.

Now select your store from the drop down and enter the following credentials in the Return and Listener URLs and click on generate credentials.
Return URL:
Listener URL:

Merchant Hash Key and username and password will be auto-generated.

Now on the left side menu, click on Integration and Page Redirection.

- On the lower end of the page, there will be a grey shaded box.
- All relevant keys for the sandbox environment are there.
- Make sure you copy the keys leaving out the commas from the sides
- Do not use these keys to generate any LIVE credentials.

Get on a call with bSecure Administrator through Live chat. The administrator will enter these in the bSecure Admin portal.
Once sandbox testing is complete, move to the next step.
Step 3: Generate Live Credentials - Very critical Step
- To generate live credentials, log in to your Alfa portal and get on a call with us through live chat. This is a very critical step and we would recommend staying on a live call with one of our customer service representatives.
- Once you are live with us, move forward.

- You will be requested to submit a Return URL and Listener URL. Copy the URLs from below and paste them. Recheck the URLs and be very sure that they are pasted correctly because once you press generate credentials, the URLs will be locked and can’t be edited.
- In case of a mistake in copying the URLs, your account will be disabled and it will take 72 hours to get your account live again.
Return URL:
Enter Listener URL:

Click on the Generate Credentials button to generate the live credentials which include
1. Merchant Hash Key 2. Merchant Username 3. Merchant Password

Step 4: Entering the credentials in the bSecure Builder Portal
- Once these credentials are generated, Click on the Settings from the main menu.
- Then click on the Merchant Credentials in the Business portal.
- In the Merchant Credentials, select the Payment gateway to APG i.e. Alfalah Payment Gateway.
- Then set the Environment to Live.
- After going Live, you need to enter the Alfa Portal Credentials that can be seen below.

- These credentials will be saved in the admin portal, with a view-only option in the partner portal.
Step 5: Start accepting prepayment orders:
- After entering these credentials, BAF credit card, Wallet, and Bank Transfer gateways will be active and you can start accepting prepayment orders.
- Now place a test order and try out all these gateways