Video Guide

What is COD Order verification?
When a COD order is received at a website, the online seller often calls their customers to confirm their orders before dispatching them and adjusting their inventory. The cost of doorstep rejection is so high in Pakistan, that it makes sense to call the customer to verify and confirm the order. We offer our builders automated RoboCalls to confirm the order.
What is a Robocall?
bSecure offers Builders the option of an automatic bot confirmation call on COD orders. This service mitigates the risk of doorstep refusal minimizing additional logistic charges Builders may have to pay.
Robo Call features:
1. Human voice Robocall message is generated and the message body is such that it doesn’t sound like a marketing message which people might cancel. 2. Available in both English and Urdu languages. 3. When Robocall is not received for any reason, the order is marked pending confirmation 4. When Robocall is received with a reply action by the customer (1 for accept order or 2 to cancel order), the order is marked Placed or Cancelled respectively. 5. If the customer does not receive ALL four calls, orders can be marked as flagged, confirmed, or cancelled depending on what the builder chooses. The number of calls placed per order can be set as well.
How does RoboCall work?
Once the automated call option is enabled, Builders can set rules for COD calls based on business needs. Customers who fall under the criteria for COD calls will receive an automated call where they will be asked to confirm the order by pressing 1 or cancel by pressing 2.
Criteria for automated calls can be set based on cart value, similarly to shipping criteria. Specific criteria are set for New Customers, Returning Builder Customers, Returning bSecure Customers, and Post attempts an action.
- New Customers: A customer who shops from a website for the first time.
- In this new Dashboard, new customers need no verification and only No. of call attempts are listed.
- Returning Builder Customers: A regular shopper at a website is referred to as a returning builder customer.
- In this new Dashboard, returning builder customers need no minimum or maximum amount to verify orders and only No. of call attempts are listed
- Returning bSecure Customers: The bSecure returning customer is an individual who has a bSecure profile but hasn't shipped on the Builder’s website before. He is a new customer for that website but an old/returning bSecure customer. Builder’s can set criteria for such users also.
- In this new Dashboard, returning builder customers need no minimum or maximum amount to verify orders and only No. of call attempts are listed
The timeframe for calls is 9:15 am to 8:45 pm. Calls go through instantly however in the case of orders outside the designated timeframe calls will be placed the following morning.
What if no Robocall is attended by the customers?
If a customer does not respond to the call 3 re-attempts will be made at an interval of 3 hours. If a response is still not recorded the Builder can set a rule where the order is Flag (for a manual change).
Why isn’t my order appearing in my bSecure dashboard?
If your order isn't appearing in the bSecure dashboard kindly check your WooCommerce stores etc. plugin is up to date, if everything fails contact the help desk.
Can I increase my RoboCall Re-Attempts?
Currently, the maximum allowed attempts are 4.
Can I customise by RoboCall message?
You can provide us with audio that can be integrated from our backend
How do I generate an order report?
You can generate an order report by filtering the data you need and then click "Export".
What are “Flagged orders”?
Flagged orders are orders which are highlighted because of various reasons including high cart value, suspicious customers or possible fraud activity.
bSecure offers Builders to flag an order based on cart value. All orders which are flagged require the Builder’s action. The Builder has to manually confirm or reject the order and the bSecure system always marks its status as Flag.
What does “Order Initiated” mean?
When the customer clicks the "Pay with bSecure" button at the checkout page, the order falls under the order initiated status.
What do I do with flagged orders?
The builder has to manually change the order status to either "Confirm" or "Cancel".
How can I set my robocall language?
To set your Robocall language, go to Settings in the Menu Tab, and towards the end of the settings page, in the Others option you will have Communication Settings, the RoboCall language option will appear in the App Settings portal.
What number is used to generate RoboCall?
Robo Call comes from the number 021-36101140