Start Tracking Your Customer's Checkout Behaviour Today!Start Tracking Your Customer's Checkout Behaviour Today!Order Logging and StatusesOrder Logging and StatusesCNIC Requirement⚙️CNIC RequirementMinimum Order LimitMinimum Order LimitUrdu CheckoutUrdu CheckoutbSecure as a Payment SolutionbSecure as a Payment SolutionSetup Product Catalogue & Manual OrderSetup Product Catalogue & Manual OrderShipping MethodShipping MethodVerified Stickers on your websiteVerified Stickers on your websiteMulti-storesMulti-storesOrder TaggingOrder TaggingInstant ShopInstant ShopStore BrandingStore BrandingInstant InvoicesInstant InvoicesRobo Call time lag featureRobo Call time lag featureTax Calculation on review pageTax Calculation on review pageAgency AccessAgency AccessShopify PIMShopify PIMDiscount CappingDiscount CappingSet Discount timingsSet Discount timingsArea based shipmentsArea based shipmentsOrder Notification and Pop-up alertOrder Notification and Pop-up alertWooCommerce PIMWooCommerce PIMAbout Us and Privacy Policy PageAbout Us and Privacy Policy PageBanner size on catalog pageBanner size on catalog pageBulk Import/ExportBulk Import/ExportArea-based shipping chargesArea-based shipping chargesAbandoned Checkouts RecoveryAbandoned Checkouts RecoveryInternational ShipmentInternational ShipmentOne Page CheckoutOne Page CheckoutPayfast Transactions Capture,Void and RefundPayfast Transactions Capture,Void and RefundEnable Card Gateway JourneyEnable Card Gateway JourneyCustom Success Message on CheckoutCustom Success Message on CheckoutInstant order NotificationInstant order Notification